Accessibility Statement
The state of Lower Austria attempts to operate its website accessible in accordance with the Lower Austria Anti-Discrimination Act 2017 (Directive (EU) 2016/2102). This declaration of accessibility applies to the website http://landessammlungen-noe.at
Status of compatibility with the requirements
This website is compatible with the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and WCAG 2.0 at Conformance Level AA (these test criteria are referenced in the European standard EN 301 549). A further basis is the law of November 22, 2018 on barrier-free access to the websites and mobile applications of public authorities (Lower Austria Anti-Discrimination Act 2017).
Non-barrier-free content
Landessammlungen Niederösterreich Online – http://landessammlungen-noe.at/de/online.html
Landessammlungen Niederösterreich Online - http://www.online.landessammlungen-noe.at
The listed contents are not barrier-free due to the exceptions listed in the EU directive.
Creation of this declaration
This declaration was created on April 10th, 2020. It is based on multiple tests by employees of the state of Lower Austria as well as althaler+oblasser.
Feedback and contact details
We want everyone to be able to use the offers on the website www.landessammlungen-noe.at without barriers. Should you nevertheless find any defects, please contact us by e-mail at buergerbuero.landhaus@noel.gv.at or by phone at 02742/9005-9005
Enforcement procedures
If your request has not been dealt with satisfactorily within 2 months, you can lodge a complaint with the Lower Austrian anti-discrimination office about the lack of accessibility.
You can find more information on the enforcement procedure and a form for complaints at http://www.noel.gv.at/noe/Gleichverarbeitung-Antidisprechenierung/barrierefreier_Zugang.html
You can reach the Lower Austria anti-discrimination office at
Email: post.gbb@noel.gv.at
Tel.: 02742 - 9005 DW 16198