Gerhard Haderer, "Fußball Transfer", 1990, acrylic, coloured pencil on paperboard © Landessammlungen NÖ
Gerhard Haderer, "Fußball Transfer" (detail), 1990, acrylic, coloured pencil on paperboard Gerhard Haderer, Fußball Transfer, 1990, Acryl, Farbstift auf Karton © Landessammlungen NÖ

Department of

Collection Manager
Wolfgang Krug
Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government, Department of Art and Culture
A-3100 St. Pölten, Kulturdepot, Schanze 5

Alexandra Leitzinger (registry)
Julia Rennhofer (library)
Mag. Andrea Zobernig (library)
Lukas Stolz (library)
Sandra Weissenböck (administration)
Susanne Wöhrer (administration)

Collection History
The decision to establish and develop the “Caricature” curatorial department was made in 2001 in connection with the foundation of the Caricature Museum Krems. This department is among the State Collections of Lower Austria’s most recent.

The Collection/Main Emphasis
Containing about 5,800 individual works, the “Caricature” collection is already the largest of its kind in Austria. It primarily includes works on paper and mainly focuses on contemporary Austrian caricatures and satirical drawings. Due to their acquisition activities, the State Collections own comprehensive lots by Manfred Deix, Gerhard Harderer, Ironimus, and Erich Sokol. The artistic estates of Hellmuth Macheck and Wilfried Zeller-Zellenberg were also included in the collection by way of donations.

Acquiring the 145-piece collection of the Austrian caricature collector Ludwig Fotter in 2006 laid the groundwork for a sizeable collection of important international works.

Along with contemporary Austrian and international caricatures and satirical drawings, efforts are currently underway to establish a collection of historical caricatures.

Scholarly research on artistic oeuvres and various themes in the collections is published in conjunction with the exhibition projects of the Caricature Museum Krems. Thus far, there have been publications on Manfred Deix, Paul Flora, Erich Sokol, and Wilfried Zeller-Zellenberg.


Karikaturmuseum Krems
Karikaturmuseum Krems


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