Boat towing horses by Helmut Krauhs (Foto: Christoph Fuchs)
Boat towing horses by Helmut Krauhs (Foto: Christoph Fuchs)

Department of
Local History

Collection Manager
Abelina Bischof
Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government, Department of Art and Culture
A-3109 St. Pölten, Landhausplatz 1

Collection History
The intention of documenting the Lower Austrian local history as comprehensively as possible was already recorded in the 1911 founding charter of the Landesmuseum Niederösterreich. The systematic structure of a collection pertaining to the province’s “local history” emerged in the 1980s. At the time, the collection focused on documenting the province’s technological and economic history.

An inventory management offensive that was started in 2013 laid the groundwork for a substantial reorientation. Currently, the collection employs a heavily participative approach and puts the focus on the documentation of contemporary history.

The Collection/Main Emphasis
The collection covers the history of the Province of Lower Austria and its inhabitants. It comprises about 28,500 items covering a broad spectrum not only in terms of the various material groupings but also their regional, historical, and thematic attributions. The collection grew consistently in recent years by way of participative collecting and important acquisitions such as that of the biggest private Habsburg imperial collection (Plachutta Kaiserhaussammlung). The collection activities take place in close collaboration with the Haus der Geschichte in the Lower Austria Museum.


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