Loaning and Reproduction Requests
This fact sheet is for anyone interested in borrowing artworks and objects from the State Collections of Lower Austria. It provides information on basic key data, modalities and procedures. Further specifications, guidelines and in-depth information will be provided on the loan contract signed as part of the loan procedure.
1. Loan request
Loan requests should be addressed exclusively to:
Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government
Department of Art and Culture
Attn. Mag. Armin Laussegger
Landhausplatz 1
3109 St. Pölten
The loan request should contain the following points:
- Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the borrower
- Details concerning the responsible curator
- Exhibition title
- Exhibition venue (institution, building, hall)
- Duration of exhibition and date of opening
- Lending period (dates of planned transport to and from venue)
- Definition of loan item(s): artist, work title, inventory number
2. Contact person
If you have any questions regarding loans, please contact the registrar: Mag. (FH) Alexandra Leitzinger; tel: 02742/ 9005 13098, e-mail: noe-landessammlungen.registrar@noel.gv.at
3. Loan contract
Loans from the State Collections of Lower Austria are exclusively subject to the contract form prepared by the Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government, Department of Art and Culture. The contract shall be drawn up in two copies.
4. Processing period
As a rule, we can only process loan applications that the Department of Art and Culture has received at least 6 months before the planned start of the loan period. Shorter processing periods cannot be taken into consideration for reasons of conservation, administration and organisation.
5. Possible rejection of a loan application
It is possible that the loan application for a particular object or artwork may be rejected due to in-house use, for reasons of conservation or security, or because another loan agreement is already in place.
6. Special terms and conditions
Conservation and/or safety conditions may be prescribed for the transport and/or storage and/or exhibition of certain items on loan for conservation purposes or for other reasons. Representatives of the State of Lower Austria must be allowed to check compliance with these conditions at any time. These special conditions are stipulated in the loan contract and are binding in nature.
7. Handling charges
A handling charge of EUR 270.- per object on loan will be charged for processing and handling the loan. All fees are subject to value added tax at the statutory rate.
9. Insurance
If no national or provincial liability is approved on the part of the State Collections of Lower Austria, then the borrower must commission NÖ Versicherung AG, Neue Herrengasse 10, 3100 St. Pölten to cover the insurance risk from nail to nail and against all risks. The Department of Art and Culture must receive the original insurance policy no later than 5 business days before the transport.
10. Transport
Loans from the art collection are to be transported to the borrower and back to the lender by one of the following transport companies:
hs art service austria GmbH |
Kunsttrans Spedition GmbH |
Museumspartner GmbH |
Any necessary accompanied transportation (i.e. transport escorted by representatives of the Department of Art and Culture) is at the borrower’s expense.
Loans from other collection departments are subject to individual instructions for each loan. These are tailored to the specific requirements of the individual objects or artworks on loan.
11. Reproduction
A separate agreement must be concluded for the reproduction of items on loan in catalogues, on exhibition posters, or similar uses. Please address all reproduction-related enquiries to: Mag. Kathrin Kratzer, tel: 02742/ 9005 16274, email: noe-repro@noel.gv.at
12. Holding indication
The lender must be expressly named in all image and sound material as “State Collections of Lower Austria”. The exhibition object label of each item on loan must bear the note “Loan: State Collections of Lower Austria, inv. no.”.
The borrower undertakes to send three complimentary copies of any exhibition documentation (catalogue) to our registrar’s office free of charge.